Please click on the captions below to see photos of our progress.

March, 2007

Students from the Sullivan County BOCES
Votech Culinary Program
prepared the food for
the first annual Pasta Dinner
at the Hurleyville firehouse.

Young people participated in a special
Community Visioning Workshop for Youth
at the Hurleyville firehouse.

April, 2007

The 2nd Annual
Bowling for Flowers

May, 2007

Young people in Hurleyville joined our meeting
with Darlene Fedun and Ryan Burns from
Liberty Team Skate.

We sent an update on our projects to
everyone in Hurleyville.

The crew from
Evergreen Landscape Design
prepared for the curbing to be poured
at the parking lot.

The crew from
Evergreen Landscape Design
continued to prepare for the
curbing to be poured.

The curbing was poured
at the parking lot.

We got our barrels and planters
ready for planting.

Young people joined us at a work session
at the Hurleyville Firemen's Park.

We hung our Sullivan Renaissance banner.

The crew from Evergreen Landscape Design
prepared the sidewalk area for the pavers.

The pavers for the sidewalk were delivered.
The edge of the road along the curb
was paved.

June, 2007

The paving of the sidewalk began.

We planted the barrrels on Main Street
and worked in the Hurleyville Firemen's Park.

The Hurleyville Fire Department
worked on the banners on Main Street.

The installation of the pavers
was completed.

Paving was completed at the parking lot.

The Hurleyville Fire Department
waters the barrels and planters.

Topsoil was delivered for the
flower beds at the parking lot.

Hurleyville-Sullivan First meets monthly
with the Sullivan County Historical Society,
Legislator Jodi Goodman, and staff
from Sullivan County DPW
to plan the restoration of St. Mary's
and to create a beautification plan
for the Sullivan County Museum.

Planting began at the
new flower beds
at the parking lot.
Workers from the Town of Fallsburg
installed new posts
for the "Rails to Trails" sign.

Young people distributed flyers advertising
their car wash/bake sale/yard sale
scheduled for July 1st.

Our "Rails to Trails" sign
is home again at the
entrance to the parking lot
and the "Rails to Trails".

July, 2007

Young people held a car wash/bake sale/yard sale
at the Hurleyville Firehouse.
The event was a fundraiser for the
Hurleyville-Sullivan First 2007 Youth Project.

Hurleyville-Sullivan First worked on
the landscaping project at the Sullivan Museum.

Hurleyville-Sullivan First
is working with the Hurleyville Complex Committee
to beautify the Sullivan County Museum and
to save the St. Mary's Church building.
Laurie Kilgore and Tobi Magnetico unveiled
three of the eight panels they painted.
The panels, depicting Sullivan County
history and seasons,
will be hung on the boarded-up windows
on the ground floor of the museum.

Volunteers from Daytop scraped and painted
the fire escape and the stair railings
at the museum.

A work day at the Hurleyville Firemen's Park and
the entrance to the Rails to Trails...

Members of the
Hurleyville Fire Department
worked on improving the drainage
at the Hurleyville Firemen's Park.

A new mural was hung on the doorway
of the St. Mary's Church building.
It will be there while
we work to restore the building.

August, 2007

Members of Hurleyville-Sullivan First
met with the judges from Sullivan Renaissance
at the CVI building in Liberty.

The judges from Sullivan Renaissance
came to Hurleyville and took part
in a tour of our wonderful projects
and our beautiful hamlet.

The awards ceremony was held at the
Bethel Woods Center for the Performing Arts.
Hurleyville-Sullivan First received its
2007 completion award.
Hurleyville-Sullivan First
also received the
2007 Sullivan Renaissance
Environmental Impact award.

We held the second annual
"Books in the Park" fair
at the Hurleyville Firemen's Park.

September, 2007

Sandra Gerry and Glenn Pontier,
along with other members of Sullivan Renaissance,
visited Hurleyville and toured our projects.
Sullivan Renaissance presented
Hurleyville-Sullivan First
with a bench to commemorate Hurleyville's
3-year participation in Category C
of the Sullivan Renaissance Grant Program.

Watch our progress on this site.
Please join us if you have time to help.