Please click on the captions below to see our progress.

February, 2010

Sullivan County Renaissance
presented a Sullivan Achievement Award to
Damian Velez.

May, 2010

We litterplucked and
got the planters, flower beds and barrels
ready for planting.

July, 2010

New front doors and gutters were installed
at St. Mary's Community Center.

August, 2010

Sullivan Renaissance awarded
Hurleyville-Sullivan First
the "Showing of Flowers" award for
Best Combined Architectural Elements
and Floral Displays.

September, 2010

The new front doors at
St. Mary's Community Center
have been sealed and stained.
The front steps got a fresh coat of paint.

December, 2010

14th Annual
"Deck the Doors"
Holiday Decorating Contest Winners

Watch our progress on this site.
Please join us if you have time to help.